Tuesday, October 5, 2010

.....honey & clover

Posted by G.GNAK at 10/05/2010 05:24:00 PM
....tulah tajuk series jepun yang cik g2 ciplak phrase di bawah ni:

..that's because you are try too hard
to find the answer even before you start
you can continue even when you did not know the answer
first start working on it
and the meaning will naturally come to you...

was running desperately
aiming for something
they were stretching their hands
towards something
which was invisible to the eye
even if there was no goal there
even if they had realized that their hand could not reach it
they were still moving towards it
with all they had
but i wonder
what was i doing??

i was just staring
and did not even try to stretch my hand out
i was scared of the result
and could not take a single step forward
i was jealously watching the paths that everyone found with effort
by saying that i was different from everyone else
i was making an excuse to myself
i was just afraid of being hurt

if there is no map
you won't know where to go
i thought you choose where to go
after you have seen the map
but, that was wrong
i am not lost because i don't have a map
i don't have a purpose....

nota kaki: cik g2 rase seolah olah this phrase represent what cik g2 holds inside all this while~~maybe...



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